Human Design Services

Readings and sessions

Foundation reading with Christian

A Human Design Foundation reading is where it all starts. We will go on a journey through your bodygraph focusing on the Four Views of Strategy, Authority, Definition and Profile.

You will learn how to know which things in life are truly for you through your Type and Strategy and to make correct decision through your Inner Authority or decision making process. Your definition will show you what the reliable aspects of your life force are and how they flow through you and your Profile gives you a clear description of your natural role in the grand movie of life.

The reading can be done online via Zoom or in person in the Stockholm area. The whole process usually takes 1-2 hours including time for questions.

Price: $200

Manifestor sessions with Milla: Manifestor to Manifestor

This is me trying to be what I would’ve wanted when I first started my experiment, someone who’d be in their experiment for a while and had first hand experience to share. With the focus on the Manifestor navigating this world using Strategy and Authority, you decide what you want to talk about. If you have any questions or looking for practical advice, I’d be more than willing to help.

Manifestor sessions: Manifestor to Projector/Generator/Manifesting Generator

This is my way of trying to contribute to a better understanding and communication between the types. It’s not uncommon to have difficulties in a relationship, of varying nature, when there’s a Manifestor involved. Even more so when they may not even themselves know they’re a Manifestor!

I cordially invite you to get in touch and book a session if you have questions you’d like to ask a Manifestor! Reach out on Instagram ( or via our contact form.