The Human Design System

Human Design Basics

Human Design is a synthesis of several ancient and modern systems of knowing. Aspects of the I'Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah's Tree of Life and the Hindu Brahman Chakra System come together with genetics and physics through the influence of neutrinos and are synthesized in what's called the Bodygraph.

Rave Mandala with the Bodygraph in the center

At the center of Human Design is the revelation that every human is a duality - there's the Design, what's colored in red in the chart, which is the body and the unconscious. The other aspect is what we call Personality, the conscious part of us, who we think we are and this is what's colored in black. These aspects are held together by the Magnetic Monopole, a magnetic force which only attracts, and gives us form as unique individuals.

Strategy and Authority

The most practical surface level of Human Design begins with Type, which shows you your Strategy, and Authority - in fact, for most people Strategy and Authority is all they'll ever need. Your Strategy and Authority enable you to make correct decisions as yourself and provide a path to living your unique life. Read more about Strategy and Authority.

The Nine Centers

The discovery of Uranus in 1781 triggered a mutation in humanity and we moved from having 7 chakras to being 9 centered beings. One way to look at the bodygraph is as a circuit board that shows you how energy naturally flows in a person with the centers being energy hubs and the channels connecting them being part of different circuits. The way the centers are activated and connected in a chart forms the foundation for Type and Inner Authority and shows us where we can be susceptible to conditioning in our lives. Read more about the nine Centers.

The G Center